our team

Eunoia Medical is honoured to have a small but mighty team of dedicated individuals to help us serve our patients in a personalized and efficient way.

Jennifer Machell

Jen is our Clinic Manager who ensures that everything runs smoothly for our patients and our dedicated physicians. She brings warmth, efficiency and genuine care along with her years of clinic experience to our community. When she isn’t supporting mental health in a clinic setting Jen is a creator, artist & yogi and takes every moment she can to immerse herself in these passions and spending time with her family.

Jenine Wilson

Jenine is our Mental Health Nurse who joined Eunoia after working for more than fifteen years in a structured Psychiatric setting. Jenine has spent her career dedicated to working with individuals suffering from mental illness and supporting their journey to wellness. Jenine has remained active in her career development, achieving numerous certificates of specialty, advanced training and education. She is passionate about helping individuals achieve their goals and aspirations of mental health and optimal wellness.

Jenine is a mom to a vivacious young daughter and enjoys seeking new adventures and experiences through the eyes of her child. At Eunoia Medical, Jenine will have the opportunity to follow her passion of working with women who are striving to achieve a higher level of wellness through authentic connection. Jenine is passionate about self reflection, self care and supportive mental health strategies to promote optimal wellness and looks forward to connecting with the patients of Eunoia!

Vanessa Geitz

Vanessa is our Administrative Assistant and supports our Clinic Manager with patient scheduling, internal organization, and social media content creation. Her studies in Public Health and interests in women’s care have brought a passionate and creative perspective to the Eunoia team. Outside of her support with the clinic, Vanessa is an aspiring writer, avid runner, and always on-the-go traveller.

Ryan Crewe

Ryan is Eunoia’s Chief Financial Officer and Crewe Chaos Coordinator.

Ryan assists with financial and operational aspects of Eunoia, as well as playing an important role in the strategic expansion and growth of the clinic.